Chameleon Care Sheet

It is important to properly prepare before purchasing your new pet chameleon to ensure you understand its specific habitat needs, have the appropriate enclosure set up with proper temperature and humidity levels, and are knowledgeable about its diet and care requirements to provide a healthy and thriving environment.


Your pet chameleon will rely on you for its well-being, including regular monitoring of its health and behavior to ensure it thrives in your care.

Care Sheet for Furcifer pardalis (Panther Chameleon)

1. Habitat:

  • Enclosure Size: Minimum 24” x 24” x 48” (Width x Depth x Height) for adult males. Minimum 18" x 18" x 36" (Width x Depth x Height) for adult Females. Larger enclosures are preferable.

  • Type: Vertical terrarium with good ventilation; screen enclosures are ideal but glass or pvc enclosures with good ventilation can also be an option. For this option you're going to want the lid to be screen and the sides to be generously vented.

  • Substrate: Use a non-toxic substrate like reptile carpet or paper towels. Avoid loose substrates that can cause impaction. (Bioactive setups can also be an option if carefully crafted)

2. Temperature:

  • Daytime Temperature: 75-85°F (24-29°C) with a basking spot up to 90°F (32°C).

  • Nighttime Temperature: 65-75°F (18-24°C).

  • Heat Source: A UVA basking bulb / heat lamp, place heat lamp on one side of the enclosure to create a temperature gradient.

3. Lighting:

  • UVB Light: Provide a UVB bulb (10-12% UVB) for 10-12 hours a day. Replace every 6-12 months.

  • Full Spectrum Light: (Optional) Offer a full-spectrum fluorescent bulb. This is great for your live plants.

4. Humidity:

  • Humidity Levels: Maintain 50-70% relative humidity. Increase to 80-100% during the day with misting.

  • Water Source: Use a misting system or hand mist 2-3 times daily. Provide a drip system for continuous hydration.

5. Diet:

  • Food: Offer a variety of live insects such as crickets, roaches, and mealworms. Dust with a calcium supplement 2-3 times a week and a multivitamin supplement once a week.

  • Feeding Schedule: Feed adults every other day and juveniles daily.

6. Water:

  • Drinking: Regularly mist the enclosure. Chameleons prefer drinking droplets from leaves.

7. Behavior:

  • Handling: Minimal handling is recommended as some chameleons can be stressed by frequent handling. If you're chameleon doesn't tolerate handling, then only handle when necessary and gently.

8. Health:

  • Signs of Good Health: Bright colors, active behavior, and normal eating and drinking.

  • Signs of Illness: Lethargy, loss of color, sunken eye turrets, not eating or drinking, and abnormal feces. Seek veterinary care if any of these signs are observed.

9. Enrichment:

  • Climbing Structures: Provide branches, vines, and other climbing opportunities. Ensure they are secure and allow for a variety of perches. Offer lots of horizontal climbing options at different heights / levels within the enclosure. This is important for thermal regulation.

10. Laying bin

  • Females require a laying bin: Provide appropriate conditions for females to lay.Even lone females who've never been bred will lay infertile eggs. You'll need a laying bin filled with moist soil or sand.

Maintaining these conditions will help ensure your Panther Chameleon remains healthy and vibrant. Regularly check and adjust as needed to mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.